Compliance and Advisory

Our lawyers help clients anticipate and comply with the evolving and heightened standards of government regulators. We routinely review, draft and advise clients on their codes of conduct and business ethics policies, as well as the design of implementing procedures. We have extensive experience helping clients implement effective compliance procedures, closely tailored to their particular business and associated legal risks. In conducting a compliance review, Almustasharun's lawyers work closely with management and in-house counsel to identify issues that pose the highest risks for potential violations and to review relevant business practices, including those of agents of the company or foreign subsidiaries, to determine whether the practices need to be changed.

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  • Aram Village No. 235 Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • +964 (0) 750 445 0381